Why Choose Precision Learning Group
The Precision Learning Group Experience
Navigating the challenges of putting together a well-designed ABA program can be overwhelming. The highly skilled professional at PLG seek to help their clients every step of the way by designing customized programs that target the skill deficits and excesses of each particular child by using ABA and Precision Teaching (PT). Here is what makes us different.
1. Precision Teaching
Precision Teaching (PT) is a teaching methodology used within the field of Behaviour Analysis. PT is a systematic decision-making framework used to maximize teaching efficacy. We use Standard Celeration Charts to graph each client’s data which allows us to closely monitor learning trends. Our data provide us with immediate feedback into the efficacy of our interventions, enabling us quickly to determine the success of our interventions, and to change any interventions that are not producing the desired behavior/result. Research has shown that when skills are taught to a fluent level (i.e., performed both accurately and quickly), behavior change maintains over time, can be performed for longer periods of time, and generalizes across environments and people.
2. Home Based Programs
Home-based programs offer some significant advantages. First, all intervention and meetings occur in your home and you do not have to travel. We have also found that when intervention is carried out in the home it is much easier for parents to see and hear how their child is performing and serves as natural learning opportunity for parents. Secondly, research tells us that children with autism often struggle with generalization. By providing intervention in your home, where the student is most comfortable, we can enhance generalization opportunities. For example, we practice toothbrushing in the bathroom, he/she is most likely to do this skill.
3. Goodness of Fit
As an organization we firmly believe in goodness of fit and providing service within our scope of practice. With this in mind, we intake clients carefully with consideration as to whether the skillsets of our professionals will best match the skills sets and needs of your child and family. We feel that the best progress is made when both sides share a common vision. The Behaviour Consultant assigned to your case will be one who is best suited to assist with your specific needs.
4. Highly Qualified Professionals
To provide the best behaviour analytic services to our clients, we use a multi-level approach. Typically, each team will consist of a Consultant, Program Manager and/or Lead Interventionist and the Behaviour Interventionists, along with our Clinical Director who oversees all aspects of PLG. This ensures that our programs are intensely supervised by multiple highly trained professionals working collaboratively to maximize your child’s progress.
5. Early Intervention and Beyond
At PLG, we are committed and dedicated to maintaining a high level of service and support as our students transition into school. As a child’s growth and development continues to flourish well beyond the age of 6, we continue to offer our services in a manner best suited to our clients’ needs. We adjust our program for over-6 children and work collaboratively with school professionals to ensure a successful transition into mainstream education. Depending upon client preference, PLG staff are also experienced with alternative education options including gradual transitions and homeschooling programs.